! Make the Alt key work the way I want. XTerm.vt100.utf8: 1 XTerm.vt100.eightBitInput: false XTerm.vt100.metaSendsEscape: true XTerm.vt100.locale: UTF-8 ! I use screen a lot, so its scrollback buffer is often more accurate than ! xterm's. Thus, I pass through Shift-PgUp and Shift-PgDn to allow screen to ! use them. I've hardcoded the escape sequences (rather than using insert()) ! because I had to hardcode the sequences in my .screenrc (because there are no ! termcap codes for shifted PgUp and PgDn). XTerm.vt100.translations: #override \n\ Shift Prior:string(0x1b) string("[5;2~") \n\ Shift Next:string(0x1b) string("[6;2~") ! Setting this to false prevents my xterms from polling X for session ! management, which reduces CPU usage on my laptop a bit. XTerm.sessionMgt: false ! Don't copy trailing spaces. XTerm*TrimSelection: true ! synergy seems to mess up KP_Add and KP_Subtract so xterm always thinks ! they're shifted. Setting shiftFonts to false at least keeps them from ! cycling the font size, though it doesn't make them work properly. XTerm*shiftFonts: false ! Color and font selection. XTerm.vt100.background: black XTerm.vt100.foreground: white XTerm.vt100.font: -*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 XTerm.vt100.boldMode: true ! I like colors somewhat more muted than the default. XTerm.vt100.color0: black XTerm.vt100.color1: #CC3333 XTerm.vt100.color2: #33CC33 XTerm.vt100.color3: #CCCC33 XTerm.vt100.color4: #3333CC XTerm.vt100.color5: #CC33CC XTerm.vt100.color6: #33CCCC XTerm.vt100.color7: #CCCCCC XTerm.vt100.color8: #666666 XTerm.vt100.color9: #FF6666 XTerm.vt100.color10: #66FF66 XTerm.vt100.color11: #FFFF66 XTerm.vt100.color12: #6666FF XTerm.vt100.color13: #FF66FF XTerm.vt100.color14: #66FFFF XTerm.vt100.color15: white XTerm.vt100.colorUL: #66FF66 XTerm.vt100.colorBD: #6666FF angband*angband*font: 8x13 angband*angband*geometry: +300+220 angband*recall*font: 7x13 angband*recall*geometry: 80x15+460+0 angband*choice*font: 7x13 angband*choice*geometry: +0+440 angband*mirror*font: 7x13 angband*mirror*geometry: 80x15+460+590 angband*color6: #3070f0 angband*color7: #907027 angband*term-1*font: 6x12 angband*term-2*font: 7x13 angband*term-3*font: nil2 angband*term-4*font: 5x7 angband*term-5*font: 7x13 angband*term-6*font: 6x9 angband*term-7*font: 5x7