use strict; use vars qw(%topics); use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI); use Irssi qw(signal_add_last signal_add_first settings_add_bool settings_add_str settings_get_bool settings_get_str signal_stop); use Irssi::Irc; $VERSION = '1.00'; %IRSSI = ( authors => 'Tijmen Ruizendaal & Wilmer van der Gaast', contact => ' timing@OFTC', name => 'BitlBee_tab_completion', description => 'Intelligent Tab-completion for Bitlbee commands (for more info:', license => 'GPLv2', url => '', changed => '05-18-2004', ); my $debug = 0; ## change this into 1 if you want to see some output in your control panel, it's not much, so don't be scared. ## Hardcoded defaults, most of these will be auto-guessed when the BitlBee server supports this. my $root_nick = 'root'; my $bitlbee_channel = '#bitlbee'; my $getting_completions = '0'; my @commands = ('account','allow','block','blist','help','identify','info','nick','qlist','register','remove','rename','save','set'); my @setlist = ('auto_connect','auto_reconnect','auto_reconnect_delay','away_devoice','buddy_sendbuffer','buddy_sendbuffer_delay','charset','debug','handle_unknown','html','ops','private','save_on_quit','typing_notice','to_char'); my @helplist = ('away','commands','groupchats','groupchats2','groupchats3','index','quickstart','quickstart2','quickstart3','quickstart4','quickstart5','smileys'); my @accountlist = ('add','del','list','on','off'); my @blist = ('all','away','offline','online'); my @boolean = ('true', 'false'); my @handle_unknown = ('root', 'add', 'add_private', 'add_channel', 'ignore'); my @ops = ('both', 'root', 'user', 'none'); my @html = ('strip', 'nostrip'); ##pfft, done with that... my $i; for $i ( @commands ) { @helplist = ( @helplist, $i ); } signal_add_last 'channel sync' => sub { my( $channel ) = @_; my( $server ) = $channel->{server}; if( $channel->{topic} eq "Welcome to the control channel. Type \x02help\x02 for help information." ) { $bitlbee_channel = $channel->{name}; $getting_completions = 1; $server->send_raw( 'COMPLETIONS' ); if($debug == 1){ print( 'Detected a #bitlbee: ' . $channel->{name} ); } } }; signal_add_last 'message irc notice' => sub { my( $server, $msg, $from, $address, $target ) = @_; ## Ignore the notice if we have the completions already. return unless $getting_completions; if( $msg =~ s/^COMPLETIONS // ) { $root_nick = $from; if( $msg eq 'OK' ) { ## We're sure that the server supports the COMPLETIONS ## command now, so let's flush our hardcoded stuff. @commands = @setlist = @helplist = (); if($debug == 1) { print( 'COMPLETIONS fetching supported!' ); } } elsif( $msg eq 'END' ) { ## Ignore further notices. $getting_completions = 0; if($debug == 1) { print( 'COMPLETIONS fetching finished!' ); } } elsif( $msg =~ s/^help // ) { @helplist = ( @helplist, $msg ); } elsif( $msg =~ s/^set // ) { @setlist = ( @setlist, $msg ); } else { @commands = ( @commands, $msg ); } signal_stop(); } }; signal_add_last 'complete word' => sub { my ($complist, $window, $word, $linestart, $want_space) = @_; my $channel = $window->get_active_name(); if ($channel eq $bitlbee_channel or $channel eq $root_nick or $linestart =~ /^\/(msg|query) \Q$root_nick\E */i){ $linestart =~ s/^\/(msg|query) \Q$root_nick\E *//i; $linestart =~ s/^\Q$root_nick\E[:,] *//i; if ($linestart eq ""){ foreach my $command(@commands) { if ($command =~ /^$word/i) { push @$complist, $command; } } }elsif ($linestart eq "set" or $linestart eq "help set") { foreach my $set(@setlist) { if ($set =~ /^$word/i) { push @$complist, $set; } } }elsif ($linestart eq "help") { foreach my $help(@helplist) { if ($help =~ /^$word/i) { push @$complist, $help; } } }elsif ($linestart eq "blist") { foreach my $list(@blist) { if ($list =~ /^$word/i) { push @$complist, $list; } } }elsif ($linestart eq "account" || $linestart eq "help account") { foreach my $account(@accountlist) { if ($account =~ /^$word/i) { push @$complist, $account; } } }elsif($linestart eq 'set away_devoice' || $linestart eq 'set auto_connect' || $linestart eq 'set auto_reconnect' || $linestart eq 'set buddy_sendbuffer' || $linestart eq 'set debug' || $linestart eq 'set private' || $linestart eq 'set save_on_quit' || $linestart eq 'set typing_notice') { foreach my $bool(@boolean) { if ($bool =~ /^$word/i) { push @$complist, $bool; } } }elsif($linestart eq 'set handle_unknown') { foreach my $handle(@handle_unknown) { if ($handle =~ /^$word/i) { push @$complist, $handle; } } }elsif($linestart eq 'set ops') { foreach my $op(@ops) { if ($op =~ /^$word/i) { push @$complist, $op; } } }elsif($linestart eq 'set html') { foreach my $strip(@html) { if ($strip =~ /^$word/i) { push @$complist, $strip; } } } } };