# /home/phil/.moosic/config # This file associates filetypes with commands which play them. # # The format of this file is as follows: Every pair of lines forms a unit. # The first line in a pair is a regular expression that will be matched against # items in the play list. The second line in a pair is the command that will # be used to play any items that match the regular expression. The name of the # item to be played will be appended to the end of this command, unless the # string "$item" occurs in the command, in which case every occurrence of # "$item" will be replaced with the name of the item to be played. # # The command will not be interpreted by a shell, so don't bother trying to use # shell variables or globbing or I/O redirection, and be mindful of how you use # quotes and parentheses. If you need any of these fancy features, wrap up the # command in a real shell script (and remember to use an "exec" statement to # invoke the program that does the actual song playing, otherwise Moosic won't # be able to do things like stop or pause the song). # # Blank lines and lines starting with a '#' character are ignored. Regular # expressions specified earlier in this file take precedence over those # specified later. (?i)^http:// mplayer -really-quiet -cache 1024 (?i)\.midi?$ timidity -idq (?i)\.(mod|xm|s3m|stm|it|mtm|669|amf)$ mikmod -q (?i)\.(wav|8svx|aiff|aifc|aif|au|cdr|maud|sf|snd|voc)$ sox $item -t ossdsp /dev/dsp (?i)\.ogg$ ogg123 -q (?i)^cda://(\S+) takcd (?i)\.mp3$ mpg123 -q -b 1024 (?i)\.spx$ speexdec (?i)\.flac$ ogg123 -q