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terminal [2010-01-22 20:07]
asciiphil Fix headline levels.
terminal [2021-02-19 19:35]
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-====== Terminal Manipulations ====== 
-===== Basics ===== 
-===== Extras ===== 
-''screen'' is flexible about flow control.  Traditionally, some terminals 
-do flow control in-band, using ''^S'' when they want to stop the flow data 
-and ''^Q'' when they want it to resume.  On the other hand, some programs 
-(such as ''emacs'') use those keys for other purposes.  If flow control is 
-turned on in ''screen'', ''^S'' will stop screen from sending anything 
-more to your terminal and ''^Q'' will resume.  Turning flow control off 
-allows those characters to pass through to your programs.  The default 
-setting is "auto", which attempts to determine if flow control is needed 
-or not.  ''screen'' is generally pretty good at figuring this out. 
-''screen'' can deal with multiple character sets and character encodings.  The 
-''[[commands:encoding]]'' and ''[[commands:defencoding]]'' commands can be used to set window 
-encodings or override the detected terminal encoding.  If the display's 
-and window's encodings differ, ''screen'' will translate between the two. 
-Characters not in the display's charset are represented by question marks. 
-''screen'' does its own encoding and only supports a handful of encodings.  As 
-of version 4.0.2, those are: C, eucJP, SJIS, eucKR, eucCN, Big5, KOI8-R, 
-CP1251, UTF-8, ISO8859-2, ISO8859-3, ISO8859-4, ISO8859-5, ISO8859-6, 
-ISO8859-7, ISO8859-8, ISO8859-9, ISO8859-10, ISO8859-15, jis, and GBK. 
-[//This somehow ties in with the ''[[commands:charset]]'' setting, but I don't 
-understand that one.  <PMG>//] 
-You can alter various aspects of screen's use of termcap and terminfo, via 
-the ''[[commands:termcap]]'', ''[[commands:terminfo]]'', and 
-''[[commands:termcapinfo]]'' commands.  All three have the same syntax. 
-Using ''[[commands:termcapinfo]]'' is recommended, since that affects both 
-termcap and terminfo settings.  Note that all three require the use of 
-termcap names; terminfo-style long names are not supported.  The most 
-common use of these commands is to change how ''screen'' treats display 
-terminals.  If you want to change a termcap setting for, say, xterms, you 
-can use the ''[[commands:termcapinfo]]'' command to change the termcap 
-definition that ''screen'' uses for that terminal type.  This affects only 
-''screen'', and can be used to effect changes when you don't want to or 
-can't change the system terminal definitions.  There are also several 
-[[man:special terminal capabilities]] that are ''screen''-specific.  See 
-the "Examples" section below for specific examples.  The other use is to change 
-the terminal capbilities of ''screen'''s virtual terminal.  This can be 
-useful to alter how other programs interact with ''screen'', without 
-having to edit ''screen'''s source code and recompile.  [//This is ugly. 
-I need to rewrite it to make it clearer.  <PMG>//] 
-===== Keybindings ===== 
-  * ''C-a C-b'' - (''[[commands:break]]'') Sends a break signal to the current window. 
-  * ''C-a B'' - (''[[commands:pow_break]]'') Closes and reopens the terminal and sends a break signal. 
-  * ''C-a f'' - (''[[commands:flow]]'') Toggle flow setting between on, off, and auto. 
-  * ''C-a q'' - (''[[commands:xon]]'') Sends an XON (^Q) to the current window. 
-  * ''C-a r'' - (''[[commands:wrap]]'') Toggle the current window's line-wrap setting. 
-  * ''C-a S'' - (''[[commands:xoff]]'') Sends an XOFF (^S) to the current window. 
-  * ''C-a W'' - (''[[commands:width]]'') Toggle terminal between 80 and 132 columns. 
-  * ''C-a Z'' - (''[[commands:reset]]'') Reset the window's terminal settings to its defaults. 
-  * ''C-a .'' - (''[[commands:dumptermcap]]'') Write out a .termcap file. 
-===== Commands ===== 
-  * ''[[commands:allpartial]]'' - Global command equivalent to setting ''[[commands:partial]]'' for all current windows. 
-  * ''[[commands:altscreen]]'' - Enables "alternate screen" support (''ti'' and ''te'' termcap settings) for ''screen'' windows. 
-  * ''[[commands:bce]]'' - Sets or toggle background-color-erase setting. 
-  * ''[[commands:c1]]'' - Sets or toggles c1 code processing. 
-  * ''[[commands:charset]]'' - Change the current character set slot designation and charset mapping. 
-  * ''[[commands:defbce]]'' - Same as ''[[commands:bce]]'', but sets the default setting for new windows. 
-  * ''[[commands:defbreaktype]]'' - Sets the type of break signal sent via the ''[[commands:break]]'' or ''[[commands:pow_break]]'' command. 
-  * ''[[commands:defc1]]'' - Same as ''[[commands:c1]]'', but sets the default setting for new windows. 
-  * ''[[commands:defcharset]]'' - Same as ''[[commands:charset]]'', but sets the default setting for new windows. 
-  * ''[[commands:defflow]]'' - Same as ''[[commands:flow]]'', but sets the default setting for new windows. 
-  * ''[[commands:defgr]]'' - Same as ''[[commands:gr]]'', but sets the default setting for new windows. 
-  * ''[[commands:defencoding]]'' - Same as ''[[commands:encoding]]'', but sets the default setting for new windows. 
-  * ''[[commands:defnonblock]]'' - Same as ''[[commands:nonblock]]'', but sets the default setting for new displays. 
-  * ''[[commands:defutf8]]'' - Same as ''[[commands:utf8]]'', but sets the default setting for new windows. 
-  * ''[[commands:defwrap]]'' - Same as ''[[commands:wrap]]'', but sets the default setting for new windows. 
-  * ''[[commands:dinfo]]'' - Shows what settings ''screen'' is using for the current display. 
-  * ''[[commands:dumptermcap]]'' - Tells ''screen'' to create a .termcap file in its socket directory. 
-  * ''[[commands:encoding]]'' - Sets the character encoding for the current window. 
-  * ''[[commands:flow]]'' - Sets the current window's flow control mode. 
-  * ''[[commands:gr]]'' - Sets or toggles GR charset switching. 
-  * ''[[commands:nonblock]]'' - Sets or toggles ''screen'''s behavior when a display stops receiving characters. 
-  * ''[[commands:partial]]'' - Sets whether ''screen'' should draw the entire window when switching windows. 
-  * ''[[commands:printcmd]]'' - Shows or sets the command used for handling the ANSI print sequence ''ESC [ 5 i''. 
-  * ''[[commands:reset]]'' - Resets the current window's virtual terminal settings to their default settings. 
-  * ''[[commands:term]]'' - Changes the value of $TERM that screen passes to its windows' child processes. 
-  * ''[[commands:termcap]]'', ''[[commands:terminfo]]'', and ''[[commands:termcapinfo]]'' - Tweak termcap and/or terminfo entries for either ''screen'''s interaction with the display terminal or for the virtual terminal presented to child programs. 
-  * ''[[commands:utf8]]'' - Changes or toggles the encoding on the current window. 
-  * ''[[commands:wrap]]'' - Sets or toggles the current window's line wrap setting. 
-  * ''[[commands:zmodem]]'' - Sets ''screen'''s handling of zmodem communcations. 
-===== Examples ===== 
-Upon being asked to print a block of text, save it to a file in the user's home directory: 
-printcmd "cat > ${HOME}/screenprint" 
-Upon being asked to print a block of text, print it via ''lpr'': 
-printcmd lpr 
-Set the ''LP'' capability (the last screen position can be updated) and 
-remove the ''hs'' capability (presence of a hardstatus line) from 
-terminals that start with "xterm": 
-termcap xterm* LP:hs@ 
-On VT102s and VT220s, set the escape characters to enter (''Z0'') and exit 
-(''Z1'') 132-column mode: 
-termcap vt102|vt220 Z0=\E[?3h:Z1=\E[?3l 
-Add function key labels to the termcap entries for screen's virtual 
-terminal.  For purposes of modifying the windows' termcap entries, the 
-term-type specified doesn't matter: 
-termcap vt100 "" l0=PF1:l1=PF2:l2=PF3:l3=PF4 
-Abuse ''screen'''s hardstatus support to put things in xterm titlebars. 
-This tells ''screen'' that ''xterm''s (and related terminals) have a 
-hardstatus line (''hs'') and sets the escape sequences for entering 
-(''ts'') and leaving (''fs'') the hardstatus to the sequences for entering 
-and leaving the titlebar.  To go with that, uses 
-''[[commands:defhstatus]]'' to set a default message and 
-''[[commands:hardstatus]] off'' to tell ''screen'' not to use the 
-hardstatus line for ''screen'' messages: 
-termcapinfo xterm*|rxvt|gnome-terminal|konsole|kterm|Eterm 'hs:ts=\E]0;:fs=\007' 
-defhstatus "screen ^E (^Et) | $USER@^EH" 
-hardstatus off 
-(FAQ) Turns off alternate screen switching in ''xterm''s, so that text in 
-''screen'' will go into the ''xterm'''s scrollback buffer: 
-termcapinfo xterm ti@:te@ 
-Uses ''screen'''s output translation capability (''XC'') to rot-13 all 
-output.  (Will not work in UTF-8 mode, apparently.): 
-termcapinfo * XC=B%,an,AN,bo,BO,cp,CP,dq,DQ,er,ER,fs,FS,gt,GT,hu,HU,iv,IV,jw,JW,kx,KX,ly,LY,mz,MZ,na,NA,ob,OB,pc,PC,qd,QD,re,RE,sf,SF,tg,TG,uh,UH,vi,VI,wj,WJ,xk,XK,yl,YL,zm,ZM 

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