I’m an average geek living in the Baltimore area. I’m nonbinary and don’t really have a preference for what pronouns people use for me (but they/them is a good choice if you’re unsure).
I go by Piper or Pip. I use Piper more in person, but either is fine.
I took my wife’s name when we got married.
Unless otherwise indicated, all text on my blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license and all code is released to the public domain.
§ Colophon
# Fonts
The website is principally set in Bitter Pro. Bitter was originally designed by Sol Matas in conjunction with Huerta Tipográfica, though now she maintains Bitter Pro herself and publishes it through Google Fonts. Bitter Pro is a slab serif font designed to align well with the pixel grid. Its details make it readable at a variety of sizes and it tends not to suffer too much from antialiasing even at low screen resolutions. It has excellent glyph coverage for a fair number of writing systems, including Latin, Cyrillic, and Vietnamese. It’s licensed under the SIL Open Font License.
Some headings and accent text are set in Montserrat. Montserrat is a sans-serif font inspired by urban typography found in Buenos Aires during the first half of the twentieth century. It was originally designed by Julieta Ulanovsky, but has been extended via contributions from a number of other designers. Like Bitter Pro, it has glyphs covering a wide range of writing systems. The font was originally funded via Kickstarter and is licensed under the SIL Open Font License.
Monospaced text is set in Iosevka Fixed Slab. Iosevka is an enormous superfamily of fonts designed for use in terminal environments and writing code. Most Latin writing systems are supported, as is Cyrillic. The project was started and is managed by Renzhi Li, but many people have contributed to it. Iosevka is licensed under the SIL Open Font License.
When I have occasion to use emoji, they’re set in Noto Emoji. The Noto family is a project of Google’s to create fonts with as complete Unicode coverage as possible. Noto Emoji is specifically aimed at creating black and white emoji that don’t look out of place alongside black and white text. The Noto Emoji font is licensed under the SIL Open Font License.
# Website Framework
The pages for the website are generated with Hugo, making use of a custom-written website theme.