Folder delivery:
Total Number Folder
----- ------ ------
17882995 1913 /dev/null
12268067 810 spam
2217635 641 lists/void
2406290 526 lists/baltwash-burning
2414109 446 lists/otakon-staff
2676164 428 lists/bugtraq
383989 391 cronjobs
1317429 370 lists/mutt-users
1469172 334 lists/burningass
4234167 228 /home/phil/mail/inbox
High cronjob count was because of a couple of power outages that left some hosts running, but without nameservice. Thus, the uptimes project client that runs every eight minutes left error messages complaining about not being able to resolve hostnames.
Cnt: 2536
Max: 46.1
Avg: 14.0206230283912
Dev: 6.2294772771236