This is the current name of the movie theater located at the Owings Mills Town Center (also known as simply “Owings Mills Mall”).
In December of 2001, I went to see Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring at this theater for a 12:01 am showing on opening day. While things went well for most of the movie, one reel near the end of the film was played with the audio extremely desynced from the video. After several minutes of this, the theater stopped the film, fixed it, and played it to the end. They offered vouchers for a free movie at the theater to everyone at the showing.
In December of 2003, I went to see Lord of the Rings: Return of the King at the same theater, also for a 12:01 am showing on opening day. Approximately an hour after it started, the film began displaying images upside down and running backwards; presumably a reel had been threaded in backwards. When the problem persisted for more than a minute, a friend left the theater in search of someone to notify of the problem. He found no one but a security guard. Several minutes after that, the film was stopped. About a minute later, a manager entered and apologized for the problem, stating that we would all receive vouchers for a free movie as we left.
Five or ten minutes later the manager returned and asked everyone to leave so they could hand out the vouchers. Several people objected, desiring to finish seeing the movie. After a minute or so, he returned, saying that they would be about twenty minutes in restoring the film, but they would do so for anyone who wanted to remain. Most people remained and at 2:08, the movie resumed. (I believe it stopped sometime between 1:00 and 1:15, but I’m not sure of that time.)
That alone is enough of a problem, but the women next to me in the line out said that they’d had problems in 2002 when seeing Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers at that theater. I didn’t get details on what had happened.
I will probably not return to that theater, except to use the voucher. I will certainly not spend any more money there, nor can I recommend that anyone else do so.