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Your job description as the “consultant” makes it necessary that you give advice. After all, a consultant is an authority who gives advice. Of having you is able to do this is usually by fully researching your prospect's industry, their company and with talking these to discover where problematic areas are almost always. The use of a very specific Targeted Needs Your Private AI Analyst is working for many. The Targeted Needs Analysis end up being salient and brief to function. A buyer's time is valuable and might always be respected.

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Now then, one doing real research must ensure on analyst's reports. A good taking advice should also ask themselves; who could be the analyst? The real I say this is after reading all and that is a surveys and analyst reports available ultimately carwash industry, I see them flawed. They were not been to every city in australia like I have, stood outside carwashes and counted cars, talked with customers post carwash experience, and a lot more. like I have, I would not trust their data? Where did they get the data; from equipment suppliers? Oh I bet that is quite Your Private AI Analyst impartial absolutely? Did they get such data from industry surveys, as operators embellish on those you am aware that? IRS? People skim cash at car washes? Services? Well they are selling the one thing?

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