Warning: Undefined array key "stylesheets" in /home/public/screen/inc/StyleUtils.php on line 102

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  • attrcolor attrib [attribute/color-modifier]


This command can be used to highlight attributes by changing the color of the text. If the attribute attrib is in use, the specified attribute/color modifier is also applied. If no modifier is given, the current one is deleted. See the String Escapes chapter for the syntax of the modifier. screen understands two pseudo-attributes: “i” stands for high-intensity foreground color and “I” for high-intensity background color.


attrcolor b "R"

Change the color to bright red if bold text is to be printed.

attrcolor u "-u b"

Use blue text instead of underline.

attrcolor b ".I"

Use bright colors for bold text. Most terminal emulators do this already.

attrcolor i "+b"

Make bright colored text also bold.

See Also

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