Warning: Undefined array key "stylesheets" in /home/public/screen/inc/StyleUtils.php on line 102

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  • zmodem [off|auto|catch|pass]
  • zmodem sendcmd [string]
  • zmodem recvcmd [string]


Define zmodem support for screen. screen understands two different modes when it detects a zmodem request: “pass” and “catch”. If the mode is set to “pass”, screen will relay all data to the attacher until the end of the transmission is reached. In “catch” mode screen acts as a zmodem endpoint and starts the corresponding rz/sz commands. If the mode is set to “auto”, screen will use “catch” if the window is a tty (e.g. a serial line; see Window Types), otherwise it will use “pass”.

You can define the templates screen uses in “catch” mode via the second and the third form.

Note also that this is an experimental feature.


None yet.

See Also

User Tools