Warning: Undefined array key "stylesheets" in /home/public/screen/inc/StyleUtils.php on line 102

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  • chdir [directory]


Change the current directory of screen to the specified directory or, if called without an argument, to your home directory (the value of the environment variable $HOME). All windows that are created by means of the screen command from within “.screenrc” or by means of C-a : screen or C-a c use this as their default directory. Without a chdir command, this would be the directory from which screen was invoked. hardcopy and log files are always written to the window's default directory, not the current directory of the process running in the window. You can use this command multiple times in your .screenrc to start various windows in different default directories, but the last chdir value will affect all the windows you create interactively.


None yet.

See Also

User Tools