Warning: Undefined array key "stylesheets" in /home/public/screen/inc/StyleUtils.php on line 102

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Default Keybindings



  • term term


In each window's environment that screen opens, the $TERM variable is set to “screen” by default. But when no description for “screen” is installed in the local termcap or terminfo data base, you set $TERM to – say – “vt100”. This won't do much harm, as screen is VT100/ANSI compatible. The use of the term command is discouraged for non-default purpose. That is, one may want to specify special $TERM settings (e.g. vt100) for the next “screen rlogin othermachine” command. Use the command “screen -T vt100 rlogin othermachine” rather than setting and resetting the default.


None yet.

See Also

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